A series of enamel pins for the literary lover and/or the spooky aficionado. These designs reflect two of my own personal great loves, reading and the macabre. Remember, spooky isn't just a season; it's a lifestyle!
My name is Nikki, and I've run Sunset Road Co. since 2017, and am thrilled to be running my first project on BackerKit. Our first campaign combines two of my loves: anything and everything book-related and the spooky and macabre. I find that these two elements often can go hand-in-hand, so I've created a collection to celebrate both. Remember, reading is fundamental and spooky season isn't just a season, it's a lifestyle.
This project is part of a 4-way collaboration! I'm excited to partner up with Snarky Co, Mythic Mgmt and Oddment & Tweak to offer special rewards. If you successfully pledge to all four projects and complete your survey, you'll receive a free enamel pin from my project.
If you back my campaign and Oddment & Tweak's campaign, you'll receive a free 3" inch glossy sticker.
March 25: Campaign launches April 15: Campaign ends May 5: Surveys sent out May 18: Surveys close May 31: Items ordered August: Items received (barring setbacks) September 15: Shipping charged October: Process of packing and shipping orders
Backers will be notified of any large changes to the timeline.
I've been creating enamel pins for nearly 9 years, and my work can be seen on my website. Follow me on Instagram to see all of my designs and what I'm working on!