Pledge Levels
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Slime Master
90 Backers
Get your slime-ridden hands on both books!
Includes 4 items
×1Deities and Demi-Bros hardcover
×1Deadly Dudez/Toxic Creeps softcover
×1Deities and Demi-Bros PDF
×1Deadly Dudez/Toxic Creeps PDF
Neon Digital Apprentice (PDF)
5 Backers
Grab a PDF digital copy of EITHER:
Deities and Demi-Bros OR Deadly Dudez/Toxic Creeps
PDF will be fulfilled by DrivethruRPG
Includes 1 item
×1Deities and Demi-Bros PDF OR Deadly Dudez/Toxic Creeps PDF
Creep Catcher
8 Backers
A softcover copy of Deadly Dudez/Toxic Creeps
Includes 2 items
×1Deadly Dudez/Toxic Creeps softcover
×1Deadly Dudez/Toxic Creeps PDF
Gimme Just the Core!!!
3 Backers
Brand spanking new to the world of Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland? Here is the place to start! COMES WITH A FREE PDF!
Includes 2 items
×1Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland Core Rulez softcover
×1Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland Core Rulez PDF
Neon Digital Master (PDF)
16 Backers
Grab a PDF digital copy of BOTH:
Deities and Demi-Bros ANDDeadly Dudez/Toxic Creeps
PDF will be fulfilled by DrivethruRPG
Includes 2 items
×1Deadly Dudez/Toxic Creeps PDF
×1Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland Core Rulez PDF
Champion of the Ring
9 Backers
A HARDCOVER copy of Deities and Demibros.
PDF version of the book fulfilled through DriveThruRPG
Includes 2 items
×1Deities and Demi-Bros hardcover
×1Deities and Demi-Bros PDF
Gnarly God of the Wasteland
80 Backers
Get physical copies of both books (plus PDFS) PLUS the Neon Maniacs Eyes Only 2: The Revengeance pack!
Includes 5 items
×1Deities and Demi-Bros hardcover
×1Deadly Dudez/Toxic Creeps softcover
×1Deities and Demi-Bros PDF
×1Deadly Dudez/Toxic Creeps PDF
×1Neon Maniacs Eyes Only Pack 2: The Revengeance
28 Backers
New to Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland? Here is the best place to start!
Snag a softcover copy of the Core Rulez
and a hardcover copy of Deities and Demi-Bros!
Includes 6 items
×1Deities and Demi-Bros hardcover
×1Deadly Dudez/Toxic Creeps softcover
×1Deities and Demi-Bros PDF
×1Deadly Dudez/Toxic Creeps PDF
×1Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland Core Rulez softcover
Lord Randy's Acolyte
0 remaining
Get physical copies of both books (and PDFs), the Neon Maniacs Eyes Only 2: The Revengance pack, and YOU get to create a creep for Deadly Dudez/Toxic Creeps with the Neon Lord! The creep will be drawn up and added to the book giving you writing credits! In addition, you will receive a super sick I Love My Creep Koozie AND Pin!
Includes 7 items
×1Deities and Demi-Bros hardcover
×1Deadly Dudez/Toxic Creeps softcover
×1Deadly Dudez/Toxic Creeps PDF
×1Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland Core Rulez PDF
×1Neon Maniacs Eyes Only Pack 2: The Revengeance
A high five to the Neon Lord
10 Backers
Toss a token to the Neon Lord and hold your place and back later!
For shops looking to sell some Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland, you will receive 5 copies of Deities and Demi-Bros, Deadly Dudez/ Toxic Creeps, and all stretch goals that go along with them!
Proof of being a Retail Outlet is required before backing.
Please email proof to [email protected] before selecting this pledge.
Includes 2 items
×1Deities and Demi-Bros hardcover
×1Deadly Dudez/Toxic Creeps softcover