Ta-Te Wu
30 days ago

Project Update: Fulfillment Progress and Upcoming Events

Dear Backers,

We’re excited to share some updates with you!

Fulfillment Progress

We’re thrilled to announce that some of your orders were shipped out before last night! Everything else has now been processed and is ready to ship—except for the table-size playmat. The playmat is on track to be completed next week, and we’re aiming to have it shipped out in early September.

Upcoming Events: Strategicon and Spiel 2024

We’re heading to Strategicon at the LAX Hilton (California)! At the event, we’ll be demoing AQUA, Art Decko, and our latest game, Cat Sudoku: Summer Festival. We’re also hosting a tournament for Summer Festival on Sunday afternoon. For more information, click the link below and search events by entering my name (Ta-Te) in the GM/Presenter field.


We’re also excited to announce that we’ll be at Spiel 2024 with our booth at 2D-411. If you’re attending, please drop by and say hello—we’d love to meet you in person!

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm. We’re almost there, and we can’t wait for you to receive your Cat Sudoku items!

Best regards,





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