All available Add-ons
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Enamel Pin
$157 purchasedEnamel Pin of your choice from a selection of the following designs provided they reach their respective funding goals: - Infinite Perception - Churning - Chop-Chop - Tangled Mess - Eater of WorldsEdit -
Vinyl Sticker
$3.5031 purchasedVinyl Sticker of your choice of the following designs: - Infinite Perception (Standard or Alt Color) - Churning (Standard or Alt Color) - Chop-Chop (Standard or Alt Color) - Tangled Mess (Standard or Alt Color) - Eater of Worlds (Standard or Alt Color) - Worm Dog (Red or Black Color) - Bliss (Green or Pink Color) - Mischievous Divinity (Gold or Black Color) - Cribebi (Red or Black Color) - Dream Parasite (Red or Black Color) - Lose your HeadEdit -
Mini Pin
$8.5052 purchasedMini Pin of your choice from the following designs: - Cribebi - Dream Parasite - Egg of InnocenceEdit -
$528 purchasedKeychain of your choice from the following designs: - Cribebi - Dream ParasiteEdit -
Small Pin
$1228 purchasedx1 Small Enamel Pin of your choice from the following designs - Lose your Head - Worm Dog (Black or Red Color) - Bliss (Black/Green or Pink/Purple Color) - Mischievous Divinity (Gold/White or Red/Black Color)Edit