ADVENTURER (physical & digital)

  • Tales of The Black Piper, vol. 1
    • Anthology (paperback* book)
    • Album (physical album)
  • A digital copy of any additional Tales of The Black Piper volumes funded by this campaign:
    • Anthology (digital PDF)
    • Album (digital MP3)
  • Reflections Album (digital MP3)
  • Refractions Album (digital MP3)

  • Two (2) years of digital Black Piper Adventures (coming soon), including Adventures exclusives. Projects may include all or part of the following:
    • ๐˜“๐˜ถ๐˜ฎ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ช๐˜ฆ๐˜ด ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜“๐˜ฆ๐˜จ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ๐˜ด (digital MP3)
    • ๐˜›๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜Š๐˜ญ๐˜ฐ๐˜ค๐˜ฌ๐˜ฎ๐˜ข๐˜ฌ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ (digital PDF & MP3)
    • Pre-pitch soundtracks (digital MP3)
    • Special behind-the-scenes content

* Paperback books will automatically be upgraded to hardcover, if that stretch goal is unlocked.

Something a little different

We are thrilled to be campaigning for Tales of The Black Piper. We've been planning it for years! But we also want to offer you access to some special current and upcoming projects.

Refractions and Reflections hold special meaning for us, while Adventures is more of a captivating "not the same as the other things on the page" kind of project. More precisely... it's an especially exciting series that we've been putting together in pieces over the last three or four years!

REFRACTIONS ARE NOT JUST SOMETHING BROKEN. THEY ARE SOMETHING FOUND AND BEAUTIFULLY REMADE. Go behind the scenes with us as we present to you our rough and broken edges.  As composers, there are times we have to start over. A song may not be right for a specific scene; maybe the style is off or the mood is different from the directorโ€™s vision. In these moments, we end up with cues that become rejected and broken.  This album takes some of these โ€œbrokenโ€ songs from past projects and gives them some love. They may still have some rough edges, but rather than abandoning them to the dark abyss, we are pulling back the curtain and sharing them with you, allowing beauty to โ€œcome out of the ashes.โ€

Refractions is in the process of being prepared. It will be released in July 2023 as a 20-track album. While many of the tracks are still being decided and the current list is subject to change, you can listen to a sample of a few of the tracks we like for it here.

TRUE REFLECTIONS HONOR THE IMAGE OF WHAT WAS, WHAT IS, AND WHAT WILL BE. Experience the tender, emotional, and... video game-y(?) side of The Black Piper.  During the Kaladin Kickstarter, we offered our services as composers to backers. Many took the opportunity to order custom songs for their loved ones, wedding pieces, themes for book characters, and even video game soundtracks.  These songsโ€™ stories are quite personal and touching, and some are extremely painful, but our Kaladin backers have agreed to let us share these tracks with you - and in some cases to share their stories.

Reflections was compiled at the end of 2022 and will be released shortly. You can listen to a sampler here.

Black Piper Adventures. Coming January 2024. TREK into the Wilds of Story and Sound. Join us in venturing monthly into the wild tales of mythology, heart-pounding heroism, inspiring reality, and dangerous fantasy. LUMINARIES AND LEGENDS: Pillars of Innovation, Heroes of Legend and Mythology Collide. In Luminaries and Legends, we will musically explore the stories of Earth: the Pillars of Innovation, such as Amelia Earhart, Nikola Tesla, and Margaret Hamilton; the Heroes of Legend, such as Genghis Khan, Princess Pingyang, and King Arthur; and the Titans of Mythology, like Beowulf, Gilgamesh, and Hunahpu and Xbalanque. THE CLOCKMAKER: THE LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE CAN BE BROKEN WHEN Those you care about are in danger. In development for over three years, The Clockmaker is a mind-bending, seven-season, flash fiction episodic story of covert manipulation, arrogant determination, revenge against a calculating deity, and magic beyond time, paired with an equally captivating and powerful, cinematic soundtrack. AND MORE... TALES OF THE BLACK PIPER (additional volumes). Backers of the ADVENTURER tiers will receive any additional volumes unlocked by this campaign for FREE! PRE-PITCH SOUNDTRACKS: AN EXCLUSIVE LOOK AT WHAT WE HAVE COOKING, BEFORE THE PEOPLE WE PITCH IT TO. As we write music in preparation to pitch (for example, to authors we approach or to studios), we may release some of that to you, as a "behind-the-scenes" bonus. Many, if not most, of these pre-pitch songs will be exclusive to Black Piper Adventures.


As a Black Piper Adventurer, beginning Spring 2024, you will receive monthly digital "packages" of creativity in your inbox. A few details:
  • These may consist of music, stories, artwork, or some combination thereof, with the added possibility of videos, livestreams, twitches, or other shenanigans, but no guarantees. (Well, shenanigans have a high probability.)
  • Some of what you receive will be exclusive to Black Piper Adventures. Much will not be exclusive, but you will receive it at least a month in advance. (That's a whole month you can brag to your friends. Without spoiling. We call this hype.)
  • You will also receive behind-the-scenes goodies. Sometimes that may be works-in-progress. Other times that may be notes about what is going on, pictures of work in the studio, etc. Some of this will also be shared with our Discord, but we will find ways to make thing go a little deeper here. Or broader. Or different. 
  • You will have "Adventurer" status for a period of 24 months. That's 24 months of pure monthly awesomeness, if you ask us. (Please feel free to ask us!)
  • We will start delivery with pieces of Tales of The Black Piper initially, but other series/projects will be mixed in as we go.

ADVENTURER (physical & digital)


7 Backers