Heart Temple
12 months ago

Project Update: Last Chance to Get Yours + Live Reading!!!

This is it folks...the homestretch of the campaign! We have only 2 more days and the fundraising part of this campaign is complete! πŸ€©πŸ˜¬πŸ™‚

It has been such a beautiful journey of learning and growth for us. There has been doubt, trepidation, questioning, but what has seen us through this is our dedication and devotion to this campaign and the valuable impact it can have for so many women and families! I'll be honest, without your celebrations and boost of contributions to the campaign I'm not sure my will to pursue this dream would have fully come to life. And THIS is the value of community. We boost each other up. We remind each other what we'll really made of and when we see something we believe in, we go for it!

So, thank you all so much for how you have shown up to meet us and this campaign in the ways you have. It means the world to us!

If you haven't already backed the project or send it along to the women you feel need that extra boost of support to empower their cycle and female connections, please do so now! This is literally the last chance you'll get this order at the presale pricing. Also, if you're following and haven't contributed yet, we do wonder what's holding you back? We always welcome your feedback as we continue to learn, grow and support this awesome community!

This weekend I'll be doing 1:1 Women's Wheel oracle readings and Women's Health Consulting 9-5pm at the 11th Annual Awakening Into the Sun Festival in St. Petersburg FL. All donations for the readings will go directly to the campaign! 

If you are in the area, we encourage you to join us in the festivities! There are going to be many local makers and creators, food trucks, entertainment and family friendly activities! 

Big Hugs and Gratitude! πŸ€—πŸ™πŸ½

your devoted creator and (soon to be😊) published author, 




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