Nocola Williams
6 months ago

Project Update: The Home Stretch

Hey there everyone,
It is 8:51pm on the east coast. I am feeling lots of feels right now, mostly pride, but exhaustion is high on the list. I like to be in bed by 8:30, so 20 consecutive days of not going to bed until after 11 has me drained. I am so thankful for all of you right now. Four years ago, I wrote this book to celebrate the birth of our grandson and the arrival of our first package of bees. Now, Sage is about to turn five in December and is so proud to see and understand that his book is coming to life. This book taught me lessons in patience for sure. (It has been rewritten 8 or 9 times, I've lost count.) 250 children are going to get a free copy of Bugzee and the Bees because of you. I will also be able to begin a relationship with MannLake Ag and Beekeeping Supply, who will be purchasing 50 books to start. (Yay!) There will be the face of a little brown skinned child who loves bees on the shelves of their stores.

We did it, we are changing the narrative of what a beekeeper looks like. (This is huge)

I have asked Tyrus (our illustrator) to come up with a sticker worthy of all of you. I will share the design once it is completed.

Please consider sharing once more before the campaign ends tomorrow at 4pmEST.
When we reach $10,000...The publishing process starts for the next Bugzee Book
Goal: $8,366.50 / $10,000
We need $1,633.50 more to reach this goal.





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