Astraea Creative
4 months ago

Project Update: Retrograde Issues! 🙃

Hello Wild Ones! 🌲✨

I hope you're all doing well and starting to feel festive as we approach the holiday season! As I mentioned in my last update, there was a strong chance the project would not end up shipping until into next year and unfortunately, I'm here to confirm that for you now.

Initially, I thought this would be because the book would not yet be in my hands but it turns out multiple additional issues have presented themselves since I last wrote to you!

Firstly, I received this extremely exciting delivery from my printer... your Lunar Phase Card Packs! Upon opening them I was absolutely delighted with what a beautiful job they had done. However, on closer inspection I realised that they had mixed up the text and art on six out of eight of the cards. So, the whole lot has been returned to the printer to be reprinted, setting us back by around six weeks.

Then, I received a message from the people who are manufacturing the Nevis Tweed bags, that they hadn't been able to start making anything yet due to a series of staff illnesses, and that they'd only just realised that they wouldn't have enough zips to complete the job. The zip restock will take a minimum of four weeks (this despite them having notice of the order since August).

And finally, the company making all your add-on mugs has just been in touch to say the order will be delayed and they can't give me an estimated dispatch date yet. They unexpectedly had to relocate premises and are unable to manufacture anything until hooked up to internet, and they don't know when that will be!

All this to say, the sky weather is rather challenging for everyone right now. You might have been experiencing this too. We currently have Saturn barely moving having recently stationed direct after a long retrograde period, Mercury at a standstill having turned retrograde just a few hours ago, and Mars slowing right down to station retrograde on 6 December. This is not particularly conducive to getting stuff done, or moving things forward at pace!

I'll be back in touch as soon as I am able to bring you some more positive news and an estimated dispatch date 🙈

Nicola x

P.S. If you haven't yet placed your pre-order, please hurry the store will be closing very soon! 🙏✨
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