Therena Carlin
2 months ago

Project Update: 9th stretch goal unlocked & 28 hrs to go! Living life in hard mode - a look behind the scenes

Greetings Hoarders,

We did it! You guys just unlocked the 9th derpy dragon! Not-a-damsel will now officially join the hoard! I know she was a fan favourite and I'm so glad we unlocked her 🥰.

Thank you and welcome to all the new backers! You are officially part of the derpling tribe.

I thought today I would share a little insight into the process of how my pins come to life and the inspiration behind them. We have come so far in this adventure together and I thought you guys might appreciate it.

I'll show one of my favourite pins: "Living life in hard mode".

It was inspired by a saying my husband repeats to me on an almost daily basis.

It was my 6th design, so by the time I sketched this little guy, I already knew he'd be a pin design. This meant I approached him slightly differently than the first ones.
As with my other pins, I sketched the concept on my remarkable 2. I typically use it for writing my novels, but I didn't want the pressure of perfection so I used it's sketch mode instead of my Wacom mobile studio pro. 

Once I liked the sketch, I uploaded it to Photoshop and redrew clean "line art", followed by fill colours. 

Choosing colours based on a limited pallette can be challenging. But I love how they turned out. 
For this little guy, I decided I needed a glow-in-the-dark book about "Life" so it pops. 
Once I have the basics, I do a mock up with gold to symbolize the metal. (Plus I love gold ... So shiny)

At first I keep the lines minimal for the pin. But then I get caried away with details for stickers and the hoodies/shirts.
Adding little details like "A how to guide for dummies" on the book. And shading lines. 

Once I'm happy with the design, I send it to my manufacturer, who converts it into the pin file and sends me a mock up with options (if I request them). 

Can you spot the difference?
I then look over everything and approve or tweak the design.

Sometimes I'm further inspired to fully illustrate the pin design and turn it into a fully rendered illustration. This little guy was no different. And I absolutely love how he turned out!

Once everything is approved to my satisfaction, it's a matter of running the crowdfunding campaign so I can afford to buy the little derpy dragons!

Which is where you guys came in 😊. By backing this campaign, you helped bring these derpies to life.

So if you already backed, thank you!

If not, what are you waiting for?

These cute dragons are eager to be set free and you only have 28 hours left! We have 1 more design to unlock, and we need your help.

You can back by clicking this banner. 

Our final two pins to unlock await your encouragement & support! 

For todays backer question, let me know if you want to see other behind the scenes steps of more derpy dragons in the comments below! And which derpy you want to see.

Yours in art,
37 votes • Final results
Once we hit 75 members, everyone will get a FREE sticker
Goal: 31 / 75
We need 44 more to reach this goal.
Release the dragons! Unlock the 9th derpy dragon!
Goal: $15,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
Once we hit 175 backers you will unlock another design!
Goal: 174 / 175 backers
We need 1 more to reach this goal.
Once we hit either $21,000 or 300 backers EVERY BACKER will get a FREE pin added to their pledge! Exclusive/Limited Edition
Goal: $15,837 / $21,000
We need $5,163 more to reach this goal.
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