You may be surprised by my answer.

Do you believe a character is inherently good or evil?  The characters I write are neither good nor evil. Each have the capacity, but their morals and decision-making are based on a choice. Which avenue will lead them down a path of destruction, or will they do the "morally right" thing that makes them a hero/heroine?

In my opinion, there is always a gray area, depending on the circumstances. Take a vampire for example. They must drink human blood to live. However, those who kill for pleasure are generally considered "evil." And those who only drink what's necessary to live (or even animal blood) would be considered "good." Right?

What if I told you the vampires "killing" for "pleasure" only drank from those who'd seriously harmed another? In your opinion (and there are no right or wrong answers), would their actions be good or evil? 
Vilain or Anti-hero? 

If I had a choice, I would be an anti-hero... Ask me why.

Let's start a discussion! We don't have to use my "vampire" example. I love them, though. <3 I can't wait to chat with you! 
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