Tina Glasneck
5 months ago

Project Update: We did it!

Hi Amazing Backer,

YOU DID IT! Because of your support, enthusiasm, and cheer, we've been able to smash through our goal to create a fabulous book for you. Thank you so much.

Over the course of the campaign, not only did we meet our funding goal, but you allowed us to be able to upgrade it too. Yes, this means there will be that Zoom paint party and the book will also include a FULL-COLOR INTERIOR ART SPREAD!

If this is your first time using Backerkit, know that the fun is just getting started. Over the course of the next few days, we'll be working on the backend to get surveys out to you (and if possible will also include new post-campaign stretch goals to keep the fun going). 

Since this campaign will fulfill in 2025, you will not be charged for shipping until we are close to the ship date. You will only be charged for the items you pledged and any add-ons. If you have any questions, please let me know. Because this is a product in development, we do not have the final weights needed for calculating shipping (and the books are still needing to be printed for this to happen-- so yes, a lot happening in the background). 

We will keep you abreast as we move forward...but tonight we simply celebrate our WIN!

Tina & Angela




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