Tokyo Girl
21 days ago

Project Update: Update on Nox’s and Aspen’s samples

We will start with Aspen first! 

As I stated before, he was not as far along as the others, so with this revision there’s still a lot left to do (and….. for some reason some of the things I asked for to be adjusted weren’t done but I think it’s because the revisions were asked for right before CNY holiday and maybe it was missed for they forgot… not sure)

Here’s the photos I got:

And here’s the revisions that are going to be done:
The eyes are still way off

Eyes need to be adjusted, face widened

Head too flat, snout needs to be more rounded out

Also, the antlers seems too flimsy still, I asked that they be more sturdy and maybe a little thicker.

And now Nox!

The only thing about Nox is that they didn’t send me very many photos last night and by the time I asked for more I think they were already out of office (It was Saturday for them and I think they don’t stay whole days on Saturdays). The feet don’t look quite how I want them to so I will need to see it better and if they aren’t right, we will be adjusting them. They are supposed to be more cone shaped and not foot shaped lol. Other than that, I think he looks great but we will see when I get some videos and more photos tomorrow!

Also, Nox’s enamel pin design is almost finished! I’ll share it in the next update!


I’m probably going to wait to send out surveys until these two samples are finished completely, so about another 1-2 weeks. Possibly longer but my manufacturer is pretty good about their timing and communication.

That’s all for now!
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