Latest from the Creator
Tim Sattley
22 days ago
Your Journey to the Purple Planet is Close at Hand
It's not much longer now. Soon, you and your party shall find yourselves upon the scarred wastelands, struggling to survive under the unyielding rays of a weirdling sun. Assault...
Tim Sattley
3 months ago
The Print Proofs Have Arrived
Behold! I have the print proofs for ALL content in hand. This includes the full 48 page publication, 3 drop-in adventures, the rune lore and a new playable Purple Planet race. ...
Tim Sattley
4 months ago
Announcement: Anagram Name Winners!
Hello 'o members of the kith horde.  I have some exciting news today. Drumroll please........ After consulting with the scrying stones of old and seeking guidance from the Ora...
Tim Sattley
5 months ago
Status Update
Hello Everyone, I hope (wherever you live) that you are having an enjoyable spring so far. I know it has been a little quiet since the end of the Purple Planet Horde campaign, ...
Tim Sattley
7 months ago
Wow - What a Campaign
The campaign for Random Acts of Violet crushed all of my expectations, like kith champion felling a foe from the opposing house.I would like to humbly thank each and every one o...
Tim Sattley
7 months ago
Rounding Turn 4 - Time for an Update
We have rounded turn 4 and are now charging down the homestretch, with the finish line on Tuesday. At this point we are only $457 from reaching the next stretch goal, giving eve...
Tim Sattley
17 days ago

Project Update: Your Journey to the Purple Planet is Close at Hand

It's not much longer now. Soon, you and your party shall find yourselves upon the scarred wastelands, struggling to survive under the unyielding rays of a weirdling sun. Assault this alien world as a machine with Die, Robot!. Learn to survive within the confines of the Violet Valley (Random Acts of Violet). Set yourself adrift upon the River of Lies. Battle in the shadow of a giant metallic orb (Wrath of the Orb-Men!). Encounter two kith houses, both alike in cruelty, and from an ancient grudge breaks new mutiny (O' Happy Dagger!). Then search through the memories found within the secret ruins of house Yukha (Memories of the Purple Planet).

All of these adventures will prepare your PC's for a return to The Purple Planet, and Harley Stroh's original DCC setting. Add on the all new PP content from Harley, and your party of adventures is in store for hours and hours of role playing mayhem.  

It has been a couple of months since my last update, and I know you have been receiving updates from the other kith horde publishers. With that in mind, I didn't want to inundate you with, yet another, in a long stream of publisher updates. (Flashbacks to my email exploding from the live Twitch stream notifications) 

Everyone has already heard the news, but I wanted to chime in and state that I LOVE how we were able to reduce your shipping charges by coordinating multi-publisher fulfilment. I would like to thank the powers that be at Goodman Games, Backerkit and CRWN for the hard work it took to make this happen. This has been a trailblazing process and I hope that more group projects can follow a similar format, helping our awesome community of backers get more value for their hard earned dollar.

As of Sunday, September 1st, we are at an 86% completion rate on backer surveys. For the 14% of you still holding out, please complete your survey as soon as possible. Also, if you missed any horde content during the original campaign, feel free to jump on board to ensure you have the complete catalog of Purple Planet adventuring content. All of these products are listed in the add-on section of your survey.

Speaking of add-ons, the stretch goal for the "free High Dive Games adventure PDF," will be found as a $0 add-on. Just select the single adventure you would like and mark it as an add-on for your order. Once chosen, the other $0 add-ons will no longer be available, but may be purchased at a discounted price. 

As another reminder, shipping will be calculated and charged at a later date, once all orders are in and all costs have been identified. Once final production counts are known, each horde publisher will forward our materials to CRWN for fulfilment. At a set date, CRWN will pick each specific items that you ordered (from all publishers) and ship it to you in a single box - and for a single shipping charge. You will NOT be charged by each individual horde publisher.

Within a few weeks, I will be sending out all of the digital content for Random Acts of Violet so that you can start digging through the adventures and planning your upcoming fun. Stay tuned, as things are progressing at a fast pace right now. It is only a few more weeks before you get your first taste of the all new Purple Planet content! 

Thank you again for your support.

High Dive Games




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Tim Sattley
3 months ago

Project Update: The Print Proofs Have Arrived

Behold! I have the print proofs for ALL content in hand. This includes the full 48 page publication, 3 drop-in adventures, the rune lore and a new playable Purple Planet race.

As expected, there are only some small changes and minor fixes that need to be addressed. I have also received the thumbs up from Goodman Games that the content meets the requirements as identified in my Third Party Publishers license.  We are one step closer to getting this all new Purple Planet content into your hot little hands.  

Also, I have talked with some of the other publishers and have figured out a way to send out the add-on digital content before the surveys go out.  Essentially, I will be sending out DTRPG download codes to the e-mail address you use for Backerkit.  For those of you who purchased some of my add-on adventure content (hard copy and digital) if you use a different e-mail address for DTRPG, please send me a message and I will make the adjustment.  This does not include the free pdf stretch goal. The free adventure pdf will have to wait until the survey so that you can make a choice of the one you want.

Game on!

Tim Sattley
High Dive Games





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Tim Sattley
4 months ago

Project Update: Announcement: Anagram Name Winners!

Hello 'o members of the kith horde.  I have some exciting news today.

Drumroll please........

After consulting with the scrying stones of old and seeking guidance from the Oracle of Orm, I am happy to announce the Random Acts of Violet anagram name winners. In case you may have forgotten (it has been a little while since the campaign ended), multiple names were pulled at random from those actively engaged in any of the Purple Planet Backerkit conversations, as well as those who supported multiple horde projects. For my specific Horde project, I was given two names, which I used to create anagrams for two different NPC's within my Violet Valley setting. 

Let the heralds cry out the names of the winners along, with an abbreviated sneak peak at the characters they have become inside the Violet Valley.

Winner #1 Justin Davis: 
Visadis Jaunt
, aka Bag 'o Bones, the kith caster. A rather foul kith who leads a cult-like band of exiles. Some time ago, Visadis stumbled upon a unique item, giving him the casting powers of a 3rd level wizard. Always in search of ways to increase his power, feeding an oversized ego and propelling him in his quest to become the ascended master he believes himself to be. 

Winner #2 Jonathan Kurts: 
Strukan Nathoj
, the proud and honorable Kith Warlord, shamed in his exile from house Cotcyst. He spends his time in self-reflection and nomadic wandering. Strukan belongs to a sect of elite warriors known as the Bonekithkuka, and spent years mastering the task of crafting a legendary bone-chaku weapon. This self-defining task has instilled him with a zen-like persona not normally found amongst the kith. 

Congratulations to both winners! I hope you are excited to have your names go down into official Purple Planet Horde lore. I'm sure that this sneak peek may have left you with some additional questions, like: What is a bone-chaku? What is this Violet Valley you speak of? Who is the Oracle of Orm? Or what is this strange thing that has given Visadis his magical powers?

All this (and more) will be answered with the upcoming digital release of Random Acts of Violet. How you contend with these characters, issues and encounters is up to you and the adventurers at your table.

Thank you again for all of your support. 

Tim Sattley
High Dive Games




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Tim Sattley
5 months ago

Project Update: Status Update

Hello Everyone,

I hope (wherever you live) that you are having an enjoyable spring so far. I know it has been a little quiet since the end of the Purple Planet Horde campaign, so I wanted to send out a quick status update to let you know where things stand with production and fulfilment.

First the (not so) bad news. Unfortunately, I am only able to send out a single backer survey for each pledge level. This fact is going to postpone the fulfilment for the add-on materials, holding it up until I can get a single survey send out for the complete project. All of the add-on material is complete, so the survey results are the only thing holding up fulfilment of this content. I really wish BackerKit and Kickstarter would add a feature for multiple surveys or partial fulfilment surveys, but this is out of my control. That being said, I will commit to this: I will pick a date (approximately 2 weeks after the survey goes out) and all of my digital content will be fulfilled at that time. I will also ship the hard copy add-on product, so please return your surveys quickly once sent out.

On a positive note - Layout is complete for the main Random Acts of Violet book and I am waiting on printer proofs so that I can make any fine tune adjustments that are needed. The total page count came to 48 pages in an 8.5 x 11 format. I have also completed 90% of the layout on the bonus stretch goal content, with only a single drop-in adventure left to finish.

The entire Horde is having a big pow wow to hash out the final pieces of our group fulfilment. In case you haven't heard, all horde member projects will be fulfilled in conjunction with Goodman Games, as a single Purple Planet shipment. As a group, we believe that this will save backers money on the total shipping cost by avoiding multiple, individually shipped items, arriving at different times. We don't have all of the final details yet, but know that we are conscious of the rising costs of shipping and we are doing everything we can to minimize this for you. Also note, that for my portion of this project, group shipping is only for the Random Acts of Violet publication + all bonus/stretch content. All add-on products will be sent directly by me through DTRPG.

Things are moving fast and I am really excited about how this project has come together. A ton of cool content is coming your way soon. Game On!  

Tim Sattley, High Dive Games

And now a little exclusive sneak peek for the backers.
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content




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Tim Sattley
7 months ago

Project Update: Wow - What a Campaign

The campaign for Random Acts of Violet crushed all of my expectations, like kith champion felling a foe from the opposing house.
I would like to humbly thank each and every one of you for all of your support with this crazy collaborative campaign. The DCC/MCC/XCC community is truly made up of the best RPG fans around and it is only because of backers like you that we are able to crank out the fun content & adventures that reside in our brains. I thoroughly enjoyed creating this project along with all of the other horde members, and can't wait for the feedback & table play war stories to start rolling in.  

Once we catch our breath, from this mad dash of crowdfunding, I expect things to jump right back to a hectic pace for the next few months. Here is a quick outline of what you can expect to see happening in the weeks and months to come:
  • Surveys go out for the free PDF choices and print add-on fulfilment
  • PDF download codes will be sent out for all add-on content
  • Physical copies will be sent out for all add-on content
  • Behind the scenes I will finish up the last few pieces of proofing for the new content
  • I order/ship the printed products to the centralized location for mass distribution (along with the other horde member projects)
  • Surveys go out for fulfilment all of the main campaign and stretch goal content
  • Digital product fulfilment executes
  • Print product fulfilment for all Purple Planet content (more details to follow)
  • Your PC's thrive/die in fun and crazy ways on the Purple Planet

Thank you again, and you will hear from me shortly to fulfill the add-on content.  For the Horde!

Tim Sattley
High Dive Games





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