Includes 5 items

  • ×1
    AitH - Core Rulebook [5E]
  • ×1
    AitH - Core Rulebook [PDF]
  • ×1
    AitH - Journey to the Garden [5E]
  • ×1
    AitH - Journey to the Garden [PDF]
  • ×1
    The Art of Household [PDF]

  • Adventures in the Household - Core Rulebook [Hardcover + PDF] 
  • Journey to the Household [Hardcover + PDF] 
  • The Art of Household [PDF] - Official Artbook
  • All Unlocked Digital Stretch Goals

ADVENTURES IN THE HOUSEHOLD - CORE RULEBOOK [320 pages, hardcover, soft touch finish]. The  Coree Rulebook features everything you need to play the game, all the additional rules and mechanics, the lore of the House, and a bestiary.

HOUSEHOLD VOLUME II [200+ pages, hardcover, soft touch finish]. Journey to the Garden features everything you need to take your tiny adventures outside to the Garden. It includes new Folks and Vocations, new mechanics tied to the four Seasons, and new Beasts.

THE ART OF HOUSEHOLD [200+ pages]. This landscape format artbook features high quality printing and close-ups of the most beautiful illustrations from Adventures in the Household.



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