I received my first wave shipment recently. This included all the of original outgunned content plus the Heroes of Household all in + miniatures. I've backed a lot of projects, and I'm used to tempering my expectations. Renders almost always look a little better or at least a little different than the final product. Things are outsourced to different companies and in the end I know most of the time a project does the best it can. I try not to be overly critical unless it's reeeeeally merited. Very rarely have I received a project and have had my expectations so thoroughly blown away. The quality of every book and component is nothing short of amazing. The household opera omina set is absolutely gorgeous and I cannot stop gushing over how nice it looks and the incredible attention to detail. The minis are so charming and I know I'll love painting them. The outgunned extras box is sturdy and all the components fit into it neatly for tidy storage, the box is even the same height and width of the books. It feels like they spared no expense or effort, and it makes each item feel like a lovingly crafted and thoughtfully realized treasure.

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