about 1 month ago

Project Update: Thank you Backers! And Preorder Store Now Open

The campaign has concluded! Thank you so much to everyone who followed, shared, pledged, and commented. We’re so grateful for your support, we couldn't have funded all these pins without you.

Backers can read the backers only section below for information on surveys and more.

The preorder store on Backerkit is now open if you missed the campaign. The preorder store will close in about three weeks on May 11.

If you missed the campaign, the preorder store is your last chance to get the pins and other items at discounted prices; and please note, you will not receive any campaign freebies. If you were waiting to preorder the fanart or recolor pins, now is your chance. Be sure to place your orders before the store closes!

If you're interested in updates but aren't a backer, consider following me on the social media platform of your choice. You can find links on Linktree. You can also follow the guest artists on their social media:

That's all I have for this update. Have a wonderful rest of your week!
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
user avatar image for UltraInfinite




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