Project Update: The Lilith continues!
We hope you've been well... we've certainly been busy at work on our end. In addition to working on the comic itself, Lilith (and her human handler, Corin!) made an appearance at NYCC. Corin has since returned to her desk, and has been hard at work on finishing up this arc.
Our priorities at the moment are the upcoming release of Lilith #2 digital and physical single-issues to issue subscribers + digital bonus materials, finishing exclusive art and production on all campaign reward items, and of course finishing up the series so we can get that lovely completed book out next year. While we're here, backers can take a sneak peek at the body pillow design below in the Backers-only preview section.
Lilith #2 release update
Expect that next email and physical subscription packages to arrive at least a full week early, in late November, and most of all thank-you for bearing with the delay.
Shipping for all other rewards
The only folks outside of this shipping structure are those who specifically backed any pledge level that includes the words "physical mail subscription." Those backers were given the option of receiving either a single bundle, or a true subscription to their mailbox upon release.
We're happy to chat more to anyone who would prefer not to wait for shipping on certain items. If that sounds like you, please reach out to us at [email protected].
See you soon
❤️ The Lilith team, and all of us at Vault Comics
This user contributed to this community!
I have the sketch cover and these addons: Lilith NSFW Blackbag 5 cover set [UNLOCKED] BackerKit Only! Lilith #2 NSFW Blackbag cover add-on: Corin Howell Additional Lilith Vol.1 – Exclusive trade edition I have not received a survey yet or any physical items. Do I have to wait for the trade to receive anything?
This user contributed to this community!
I'm not sure I understand what's going on here. I was under the impression that the tier I paid for meant I got each issue as they were released, but I have seen issue 1 in my LCS and still haven't received anything. Re-reading the posts here, it looks like since I ordered everything, nothing is being sent until all 5 issues and the trade have been printed? Is that right?
Project Update: Happy Lilith Launch day!
If you're a SUBSCRIBER or high-tier issue backer, you will have received your digital issue to your email inbox earlier today. All non-issue subscribers (ie BOOK backers) will receive their Lilith Volume 1 books and digital book PDFs later in the year. If you can't wait, though, please head down to your local LCS and feel free to check out Lilith in person.
Physical ISSUE subscribers, your issues were shipped out first thing on Monday and if they will either be in your hands today or exceptionally soon. We'll be shipping these issues earlier in the future to make sure they're firmly in hand for release Wednesdays.
Surveys? those are heading out the door in batches. We won't be fulfilling the bulk of orders until later in the year when all materials have been produced, so please don't fret! You'll be able to update your address any time between now and fulfillment, and we'll let you know before we start shipping or charging cards for any shipping costs. Right now everything is on track, but we'll reach out right away if we need info from any group of backers.
Lilith #2 releases in late October... for any issue subscribers, we'll see you then!
The Lilith team, and all of us at Vault Comics
This user contributed to this community!
Hi! i just received an email with my pledge, the comic was awesome as expected, but i have a question regarding the extra digital goodies. I pledged for the $25 Lilith – Issues #1-#5 digital subscription... except make it sexy. And the description said that it included ALL digital covers for the campaign, but upon checking the files in the folder, i didnt find the uncensored Zoe Thorogood cover, so i wanted to ask if there was a mistake, or if those NSFW covers wont be available?? And i ask also because getting those digital covers was part of the reason i supported the project