Wells Thompson
8 months ago

Project Update: We're funded!

Hello Friends,

Wow, yesterday we had our best day of the campaign, smashing all the way through our goal and hitting around $1750. This was unexpected, but super exciting! Thank you all so much, we did it!

I sent the designs to Galaxy Design Squad last night so we can streamline the process of getting the pins made. In the meantime, time to start talking about some stretch goals!

At $2000, everyone gets a free sticker (to be determined by backer poll attached below)

At $2500, we'll send a free digital copy of our comic Frankenstein the Unconquered #1 to all our backers

At $3000, we'll send everyone a new sticker based on the original "Tummy Ache Survivor" design (originally the eel was a lot cuter and less of a menace)

Any more than that and I will be absolutely blown away and have to come up with some new designs to make pins out of.

We've got 8 days left and anything is possible, so let's shoot for the moon!

Wells Thompson
23 votes • Final results




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