We've got 24 hours to go until Campfire's BackerKit campaign has run its course!
Thank you all for funding this awesome, one-of-a-kind game. We deeply believed that the wor...
Witch Pleas Publishing
11 days ago
❤️🔥FUNDED! And some FAQ Answers About Next Steps
You did it! Campfire is funded, meaning you've created an intro RPG that's ideal for players ages 10+ to make an RPG out of any story, anywhere!
We cannot thank you enough....
Witch Pleas Publishing
13 days ago
🚂 BackerTrain is Going On! Thanks to Goodman Games' Sponsorship!
We have an ongoing Backer Train - and it seems to only be building!
Part of the reason why it's building is because I'm posting on every outlet I know of, including texting ...
Witch Pleas Publishing
14 days ago
🔥Let's Get It Done! Only $2k To Go!
We've got two weeks and $2k to go! Let's do this!
Backers, we cannot express enough how your support means the world to us. Awareness about Campfire is spreading and that'...
Witch Pleas Publishing
24 days ago
Cover Art Almost Done!
Bruno Vitorino, our cover artist, is nearly done with the cover art. Here it is, without the logo that's only days away!
Let us know what you think in the comments, and b...
Witch Pleas Publishing
26 days ago
$1k in, $3k to go! And Wojtek's Dev Blog
Hey there, Campfire Backers! We've exciting news, as we just broke the $1k mark.
We still have $3k to go! The more we can share on social media to get the word out, the bett...
We've got 24 hours to go until Campfire's BackerKit campaign has run its course!
Thank you all for funding this awesome, one-of-a-kind game. We deeply believed that the world needed an Any Story, Anywhere Intro RPG, to introduce players of all ages to the joys and benefits of roleplaying.
We're honored that you believed it too.
And we can hardly wait to celebrate this successful campaign together at 11:11AM PST tomorrow!
Meanwhile, we especially appreciate those of you who continue to spread the word, show your support on social media, and personally urge your friends and family to join the Campfire campaign.
Thank each and every one of you for making this a magical experience!
You did it! Campfire is funded, meaning you've created an intro RPG that's ideal for players ages 10+ to make an RPG out of any story, anywhere!
We cannot thank you enough. This has been a dream for years for creator Wojtek Borowicz, and inspired the entire Witch Pleas Publishing team with the potential of introducing new players of any age to the amazing experience of roleplaying. It's a terrific teaching tool, a system that has rules simple enough to introduce just about anyone to RPGs, and a darn fun game for roleplaying on the fly.
We're especially grateful to all our initial backers, to the creators that poured out their support and social networking over the last few days, and to Goodman Games, who inspired a flood of fresh supporters.
What's next? We'd like to address a few FAQs about that.
Shipping is global, and we're finding a way to ship inexpensively to the EU. Right now, we ship from the US. BackerKit calculates shipping costs when the product is ready to ship, so we'll keep you apprised of the latest rates through updates as we print, assemble and prepare to ship Campfire's box sets.
As for the difference between the Premium packs and the basic level, Premium packs get all the additional starter stories as they're created. This means that if we hit our stretch goals and produce new packs, Premium backers will receive those additional stories at no additional charge.
As for timeline, we aim to have the digital version complete in April. The print version should arrive a few months later at the most, given the current printing and shipping conditions.
We welcome any questions or comments, and will keep a close eye on them as the campaign continues. For now, we celebrate your support and success, with gratitude for having created something truly unique and valuable to introducing players to RPGs!
We have an ongoing Backer Train - and it seems to only be building!
Part of the reason why it's building is because I'm posting on every outlet I know of, including texting folks personally and phoning family. This is the most exciting crowdfunding feature ever!
Why's it happening? Goodman Games! They sponsored earlier and it kicked off a chain reaction of sponsors.
Let's keep it going! If you were on the fence about posting to a friend, family member or frenemy about Campfire, telling them that backing the age 10+, any story, anywhere intro RPG is a beautiful gesture for themselves and future generations, now is the time!
As long as the Backer Train keeps going, the reach and exposure BackerKit gives the project is massive, so let's roll on, folks!
Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts, and especially Goodman Games and the gang, for sponsoring this awesome effort to make a true intro RPG for all!
Backers, we cannot express enough how your support means the world to us. Awareness about Campfire is spreading and that's the key element to making it a reality.
Keep it up! Tell your friends! Tell your FLG! Tell the world!
We are beating the mid-campaign slump all because of you. If we keep getting the word out at the rate we have this past week, we're sure to make the Any Story, Anywhere intro RPG come to life, giving thousands of new gamers an easy introduction into our favorite hobby and learning tool.
To help make the case to new backers and future players, we present another Dev Log from Campfire author, Wojtek Borowicz, on the importance of Campfire and the process of its creation. Have a look, share it around, and above all, enjoy our thanks for backing this important project.
Devlog #2:Why is Campfire a good first-time RPG?
After 20 years of running sessions and writing adventures, my tabletop RPG hot take is that it’s too hard to get into the hobby. A new person shouldn’t have to read a thick book or rely on an experienced friend to hold their hand through the first session or two. That’s why I’m making Campfire.
The most common gateway into TTRPGs is Dungeons & Dragons. The Core Rulebook to D&D is actually a set of three separate books that, combined, are 762 pages long. If you look around for alternative recommendations for newbies, you’ll hear about Monster of the Week, maybe Call of Cthulhu. Both terrific RPGs but we’re still talking hundreds of pages in rulebooks. Much smaller games exist, too - there’s Honey Heist, Lasers & Feelings, or my personal favourite bite-sized system, Risus - but they only give the game master a set of rules. All the work of coming up with a story rests on their shoulders.
Doesn’t exactly say beginner-friendly, does it?
With that in mind, I set out to make a TTRPG that a GM who has never GM’d can take and, in 15 minutes, start running for players who have never played. Dozens of hours of playtesting with various groups later, I think I’m onto something.
So, what makes Campfire suitable for beginners?
One-shot adventures. The whole game is based on self-contained stories playable within three hours. They’re laid out in Story Sheets that the Narrator (what I call a GM) follows along to advance the plot. They’re ready to play with no prep but still leave space for exploration, improvisation, and player agency.
Character outlines instead of character sheets. There’s no character creation - each adventure comes with several PCs to choose from. They have names, a couple of sentences of a description, and hints regarding their relationships with the others. I call them outlines, because they give players enough of a shape to know what they’re working with, but it’s fully up to them to colour inside the lines.
Contemporary settings. Campfire stories are set in modern times. That doesn’t mean they can’t venture into the supernatural. There are werewolves and zombies and occult rituals - but they rely on well-known cultural touchstones. The Narrator doesn’t have to study the lore and its internal logic before being able to run a game and players are grounded in the fantasy from the get go.
Single-rule system with Gimmicks. Every situation that requires an element of chance can be resolved with a single D10 roll. Originally it was D6 but feedback from early playtesting suggested D10 makes it easy to visualize roll difficulty as a percentage. Each adventure also has its own Gimmick: one additional mechanism specific to the particular setting, be it investigating a murder or executing a heist. With rules so simple, the game keeps moving forward and the players can focus on the story and characters.
Devlog #1: How to write a great RPG adventure?
Writing a good story is one thing. A good story, however, won’t necessarily play good at the table. It’s like that famous military adage: no plan survives contact with the enemy. Twenty years of GM-ing taught me that stories often don’t survive contact with the players, either.
So, what do I do about it?
When I write RPG adventures I often start with the framework known as the story stack. It’s a popular tool for video game writers and narrative designers - I learned it from Susan O’Connor (Bioshock, Tomb Raider) and as far as I know it originated from Jason VandenBerghe (Red Steel 2). I haven’t seen it discussed as much in the tabletop space but it’s a tremendously useful tool for writing fun adventures.
It divides a game’s story into five layers:
Fantasy. Who does the player want to be?
Actions. What does the player do? How do they express who they are?
Economy. The rules and systems that push the game and story forward.
World. The story world.
Plot. The events of the story.
They go in order from the least flexible to the most flexible. If your first reaction is wait, how is plot the most flexible part of the story? Surely it’s the other way around - that’s fine. Many game writers find this counterintuitive at first but it becomes natural as soon as you start working with the stack.
Player fantasy is the most powerful and foundational element of any narrative experience in games, video or tabletop. We fantasize about being heroes, villains, wizards, scoundrels, and countless other things. What we seek in games is the expressions of those fantasies. Say, your players want to be a pirate crew stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. There are dozens and dozens of plots to fulfill this with. Multiple worlds even: they could be sailing the seven seas or be space pirates in a faraway galaxy. But they do need to be pirates, doing pirate things: looting, exploring, looking for treasure. No matter how meticulously written the story and how deep the NPCs, it won’t work if the fantasy is unfulfilled.
How to translate this into practice? Let’s look at Midnight Heist, one of the adventures in Campfire. It’s an adventure for players looking for a sleek caper story. Ocean’s Eleven,Italian Job, and the like.
Here’s my story stack:
Fantasy. The players are an infamous band of thieves targeting shady billionaires.
Actions. Execute a heist. That involves planning, staking out the location, camouflage, subterfuge, theft, and maybe a little bit of combat.
Economy. Campfire is based on simple D10 checks and pregenerated characters. They are a diverse cast to satisfy different playstyles and approaches.
World. A prestigious auction house in the heart of London. It fits the sleek, high-end aesthetic we’re aiming for. An ongoing auction is also a small enough setting to work well for a standalone adventure but at the same time busy enough to keep things going.
Plot. You’ll need to play to find out! But it involves stealing from an evil billionaire something that shouldn’t belong to him in the first place.
I’m sure you can see how the world and plot could be different: we could be robbing a casino in Vegas or a billionaire’s penthouse in Dubai. But whatever the choice, it has to support the fantasy. As long as you stick with that rules, your adventures will be heaps of fun to play.
Bruno Vitorino, our cover artist, is nearly done with the cover art. Here it is, without the logo that's only days away!
Let us know what you think in the comments, and be sure to spread the word about Campfire! We need to reach new markets - families with kids, teachers with students, and folks with friends who they want to introduce to roleplaying through a simple, inspiring system.
All you can do to reach out over social media, or through even more personal messages, we appreciate so much! We and TabletopEDU, TTRPGKids, and Educators for Excellence believe this is a worthy cause that will make a difference. Now's the time to be a part of that difference!
Please urge your friends, family, and fellow educators to support Campfire. And please send in any ideas you may have to us, about how to expand our reach and make this important game a reality!