“This project is about infusing the industry with the very soul of storytelling, crafting a unique identity on the vast canvas of comics through a blend of personal passion and boundless possibilities,” says the creator of Moonlight Galactica. There has been zero community engagement, zero updates, no calls for support, not even so much as an announcement of a collaboration partnership with Zenescope. Stretch goals based on raised funds cap out at the minimum level to be funded which both defies the very meaning and purpose of stretch goals yet somehow seems ironically fitting, because it’s going to be a stretch for this project to be funded being just over halfway to the finish line with 51 hours to go at time of writing. What happened? Was Comictopia scheduled during your summer vacations? Did you guys forget you’re running a fundraiser? Did you not understand it’s an all-or-nothing funding model? Is there not enough passion to be attentive to funding trends on BackerTracker and be reactive, let alone proactive? Did you give up? It’s a shame, too. The art looks great. I’d love to see this project succeed, but it doesn’t seem like there was any preparation or commitment beyond a set it & forget it campaign.





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