user avatar image for SigilSanct


I love Cypher System, World of Darkness and pretty much anything Dark Souls-adjacent. While I prefer Dark Gothic/Baroque or traditional Dark Fantasy, I also much enjoy Fable-style Childhood Adventure Fantasy and the occasional Space Fantasy (w/ some Space Opera, for good measure). Hollow Knight aesthetic and storytelling is also pretty much perfection for my piece. Immediate purchases I find on Etsy, but the big project or really niche stuff I have always found in crowdfunding and have been a "backer" in many projects over the years.
I think crowdfunding has given small creators an edge and foot-in-the-door that would have been utterly impossible previously, and that overall, respectable small creators have only benefited from its invention. As a consumer, some of my favorite ttrpg titles came from crowdfunding, and I have regretted not being able to be a backer in every crowdfunding campaign I was excited about.
Only recently learned BackerKit is now not just a POST-campaign management site, so it will be interesting to see how they combat the big K's lion share of the traffic.

I have been running ttrpg campaigns for about 15+ years, from Rifts Rpg to everything World of Darkness to DnD (2E-3.5E) and finally Cypher System. Done both in-person "table" campaigns and play-by-post campaigns and even run many on Discord, w/ voice channels. I now mainly partake in the solo-play ecosystem of ttrpg.

I am a very longtime writer, editor and ttrpg ghostwriter, as well as digital painter and graphite/charcoal traditional artist and upcoming content creator, but all of that whole bit I will be leaving on my Creator Account details (when I get around to it).


Backed projects this year
10 pledges away from 2025 Star Backer