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I learned about 321RPG from Joey Royale and am happy to support you. Your packaging the bestiary with the rules makes a lot of sense and I also appreciate you allowing us the opportunity to enhance our play by purchasing additional content (adventures). If I may make some suggestions, it might increase your sales (and save a cheap b@$t*rd like me some money). 1. Think about offering an All In Physical Addon where you offer the 7 items currently offered as well as Zombie Braineaters! and Rocket to Russia. Ideally this should be at a deeper discount to incentivize a person unfamiliar with the system to jump in head first. You can still offer items individually (no need to change prices) for those who just want 1 or 2 items. Right now, it’d cost over 3x the basic pledge to get these. 2. Add an All In PDF Addon - similar to that above, but only for PDF. While physical items are preferable, sometimes it’s just beyond someone’s budget. And for a neophyte to your system this could be a more attractive option (especially if it were discounted more than currently available). Currently they can be bought for 1.5x basic. Those who love this game probably own a lot of your other publications, but with the holidays approaching, they might buy an All In and gift what they already own. Those that are new to the game are less likely to buy everything, but there are some (me) who would bite if the price were right. To be candid, my soul belongs to DCC, and the rules/bestiary will probably sit on my shelf. But my admiration for Joey got me to back, and I figure if he thinks you’ve got great ideas, I’d jump in the deep end if I could convince myself I got a Black Friday deal. Ultimately you need to do what’s best for you and your company. If you say ‘no’ I’m still a happy camper (more money when Black Friday comes), but I had to ask. Oh BTW Hambone, I chuckled when I read your birthday is the same as my sister’s. I had a lot of fun with that growing up. ;)