Chris Airiau (5MW Press)
3 months ago

Project Update: Free Bifold Adventure + MoSh Madness Loser's Bracket, Round 1

Hello folks,

If you missed it, I have been releasing interviews with Mothership Month creators:

The eight of us all together co-wrote a free bifold bounty depthcrawl, Raider Bounty of Gilgamesh-VII!

This adventure was inspired by Wages of Sin and the city of Midgar in Final Fantasy VII. The game was released on and you can grab it here for free! 

We hope you enjoy it!

MoSh Madness Accelerated Loser's Bracket

Ok, at least I got THIS one right, our second champ is browncoat Mal Reynolds!

Now that we have our second place to pop into the Loser's Bracket. This is inspired by the way my high school friends and I used to do all-night Super Smash Bros 64 tournaments, 20+ years ago. It's a bit silly maybe, but it is fun. (Funny thing, I am still terrible at SSB64.) Here is the Loser's Bracket:

Voting is one day only!

I know who I am rooting for in Round 1! Cast your vote for the SF Scoundrel Underdog!

All best,
Chris Airiau

67 votes • Final results




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