Thank you for your support and patience with us as we chip away at all the layout and production for this project.
All book items will be printed in the United States which will cut down on the delivery time to us. Once layout is complete the digital versions will be sent to backers. At this point it's too early to promise an exact delivery date to you, but we are pushing to get delivery to you as soon as possible.
Project Status
Kobolds Ate My Baby Orange Book - In Layout
Kobold Plush - In Production
Kobolds Ate My Baby Digital Adventure Pack - In Layout
Kobolds Ate My Baby Dice Set - Ordered and awaiting delivery
Kobolds Ate My Baby Coloring Book - In Layout
It's Always Orange in Philadelphia Adventure - Completed after other layout is done
Kobold Plush
Over the last month we finalized both the UPC/sales tag and "butt" tag with safety information. It will officially be called "My Little Kobold".
Kobolds Ate My Baby @ GAMEHOLECON
The KAMB design team had so much fun running this new version of Kobolds at Gameholecon. They ran 7 sessions for 70 players! 9th Level Games also SOLD OUT of the 2013 Kobolds Ate My Baby in Colour.