9th Level Games
4 months ago

Project Update: 24 Hours in the Maze: New Stretch Goals & Art Sneak Peek

We just crossed the 24 hour mark of this campaign and are happy to be funded with three unlocked stretch goals!

Unlocked Stretch Goals 

🔥$17,000 - Enhanced digital supplements 
🔥$20,000 - Free Alchemy MAZES Module
🔥$25,000 - Add Adventure to Maze Controller Screen

New Stretch Goals 

$30,000 - Free Digital Adventure "Prophecy of the Blacklight Archive"

  • All backers will get a free digital adventure that can also be played in BLACKLIGHT with UV reactive paper and/or dice. Comes with the adventures, pre-gens, soundtrack, and set up plan. 

$35,000 - More Art! 

  • We'll double the art budget for all new City of Skull campaign items including City of Skull, Beyond City of Skull, Prison Tomb, and the Maze Controller Screen. 

Speaking of art...  

Here is a sneak peek at an early sketch of reknown Magic the Gathering artist Justine Jones' piece to be used for the City of Skull cover and interior end papers. This will likely be part of the Maze Controller screen as well.

Thanks for your continued support! 
~9th Level Games
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
27 votes • Final results
We'll be able to double the art budget for all the new MAZES City of Skull items.
Goal: $35,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
A free adventure kit complete with pre-gens, soundtrack, and instructions to run in blacklight with UV reactive elements!
Goal: $30,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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