Hello Backers! We got started on the new features prototypes and dang have we had fun!
To start: the vertical skewer holder
I welded a rolled-ring into the bottom of the Fire Pit Grill's core cylinder. As the second point of contact, this holds the skewer at an angle that keeps the food right over the fire bed. I loaded a marinated pork loin onto the skewers which I made fresh from steel bar so that they were the right length.
The things works beautifully!
I rotated and flipped the skewers through the cook and they produced a really even cook. I took the skewers off a little early and the meat at the very center of the line wanted a little more cooking. Since it was lunch time, I simply cut off the meat closest to the ends and slid the rest into position to keep cooking. I wish you could taste them!
We popped this video onto our Instagram (@fourneauoven) as well to make it easy to share with friends!
The goal is still a long way away, so please take a few minutes tonight to share the campaign with your community and with any groups you think would like it.
Thank you for joining the campaign and supporting the project! Ted