Oddity Press
7 months ago

Project Update: Last week! More art, more dice, more cards! Stretch goals!

Hey everyone,

You might have noticed this campaign didn't have any listed stretch goals. I'm not a big fan of putting exact totals on everything or deciding beforehand what's needed. Instead, I've always felt it's better to look at the number of backers, think on what feels needed, and adjust according to the support we're getting and discussions we're having with backers.

So that said, here are three changes I'm making to increase the value of backing, a little bit for each tier:
  • More art: There will be 6 more art pieces commissioned for Grimwild.  I got Per to turn his attention back to Grimwild's art and expand upon it, filling it out with some fun pieces we both wanted to see.  Two of these are already included in this update - check them down below!  
  • More dice: The set of 6d6 and 3d8 will be increased to 8d6 and 4d8. There are some edge cases where you'll end up rolling all of those at once and I wanted to make sure it was possible all in one go - but the more dice also makes it easier to share them around the table.  So 3 more added per set!
  • More cards: I set the exploration deck to 20 cards but as it turns out, I want to expand it up to 60. As I've developed its concepts, I felt it was a little bit jam-packed into the previous 40 card limit so giving it some space to breathe and add some more options was an easy choice.   Speaking of which, if you order the physical deck, you will get the PDF with it (it's not listed on the reward tier till now) - and you can also pick up only the digital PDF as an add-on if you want.

We're entering the last week and things have been going quite well! If funding keeps up, I'll be looking for more ways to add in value.

As always, feel free to join us on our Discord!  Playtests have been getting started and going well, which is super exciting.  https://www.linktr.ee/odditypress

And here's two of the new art pieces Per came up with!  One is open for all to check out and one is listed as backer-only content. The especially cool one, obviously. :)  

Includes Backer-Exclusive Content




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