Amey Zeigler
8 days ago

Project Update: $128 to sprayed edges!!

We are sooooooo close!! Those custom sprayed edges are going to look A-mazing on your shelf.

It seems like after every time I send an update, it's already out of date. The pledges continue to come in! Thank you so much for your generous support! Keep sharing and keep telling people about this project! Word of mouth is GOLD!!!

If you want something to read while you're waiting for Weave Of A Thousand Lies, my friend Erin also writes clean YA fantasy--with dragons!! She has a free book up on Amazon called Dragon's Kiss. Be sure and snag that! She is a HUGE proponent for writing no-spice YA fantasy! If you're on TikTok, you can follow her there. E. A. Winters.

We are also closer to our goal of reaching 66 pledges this week. Sitting at 58!

I'll try to put up more videos this week too! Thanks for being here!

Also, my collab partner and I are going to be doing a livestream this Saturday (tomorrow!). We'll be talking about worldbuilding, magic, characters or anything you want to know. Pop in, ask some questions and join in the magic.  The stream will start 10 am (CT), that's 9am MT, 8am PT/AZ and 11 ET. You can just come to the Backerkit site to find the stream, or at my page. 

Thank you!


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