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Adventures Await! A 5e Adventure Anthology - PDF
$2510 purchasedAdventures Await is a collection of 40 fifth edition compatible one-shot adventures. Set in the world of Arden, these adventures vary from level one to level fifteen and offer complete experiences set in the depths of the jungle, beneath the canopies of the Great Forest, among the dunes of the Empty Lands, and atop the frozen tundra of the Isle of Frostmarch, among other fantastical locations. Journey across a lore-rich world full of 40 new monsters and 37 new magic items and work together to foil the plans of countless villains and monstrous beings. Travel the planes and make allies with those you encounter as you fight to keep the people of Arden safe from harm.Edit -
$159 purchasedI AM NOT A ROBOT is a tabletop roleplaying game where players take on the role of synthoids, or human replicas, that have begun to break down as they reach the end of their predetermined lifespans. The only thing is... the synthoids are the players. Each player designs a character based on themselves. They then watch, over the course of a few hours, as that character, and every other character at the table, dies. Some will go down in a hail of bullets, raging against the system that made them. Others will run until their legs fail and the light leaves their eyes. Along the way, bonds will be forged... and broken... as each player is forced to make harder and harder decisions. In the end, the two most important questions that they'll need to answer are: "What would you do if you found out you were dying?" and "Were you ever even alive to begin with?"Edit -
Torch & Dagger - PDF
$1016 purchasedTorch & Dagger is a tabletop roleplaying game set in a world of darkness and despair, one where the evils of the world roam freely across the land and common folk rarely leave the safety of their homes after dark. Bandits patrol the roads preying on those foolish enough to travel them, and even more hideous and dangerous monsters skulk about the forests and lesser walked paths devouring any who dare tread them. In the depths of the wilderness lie ruins long lost, yet full of treasure for those brave enough to take it. The life of an adventurer is often short, but for some, the potential riches are worth it. Adventurers come in many shapes and sizes. Some carry heavy steel and act as bulwarks, protecting the weak from the horrors ahead. Others summon the power of the arcane or the divine to aid their allies and push back the darkness. Some simply rely on quick wit and fast fingers, grabbing what they can and escaping before anyone can notice. There is no judgement. The world is a dangerous place, and survival trumps all else. Who are you in this world? Only time will tell. Will you push the darkness back, or will you embrace it? The world is dark and full of terrors. Light your torch. Purchase includes 50 tarot-sized monster print-and-play cards.Edit -
Night Work - PDF
$529 purchasedNight Work is an occult-themed tabletop roleplaying game set in Victorian era London. Players take on the role of ordinary citizens who have been exposed to the the horrors that lie just beyond the lamplight, and who now traverse this "In-Between" space at night, either hunting the monsters within or trying to save those lost in the dark. The In-Between is a liminal space, a place that both exists, and doesn't. The entrances to it are often found in the most inconspicuous of places: the shadow of a streetlamp, the foggy alleyway you always seem to walk past, and that one red door that you swear wasn't there before. Those who inhabit the In-Between are a dangerous breed, and they tend to prey on those unfortunate enough to wander into their realm. It's up to the Night Workers, those brave souls who visit the In-Between each night, to protect the innocent and hunt down the monsters that take refuge within. Sessions take anywhere from two to four hours and require only some six-sided dice, some pencils and paper, and a bit of imagination (although feel free to dress up or add in some accents to spice things up). One player will take on the role of the Game Master (the person who runs the game, tells the story, and acts as the various characters and creatures the players will encounter along the way) while another two to five players will take on the role of Londoners trying to keep the evils of the In-Between at bay. At the end of each session, the characters will ask themselves some important questions about their characters and what they accomplished to see if they gain enough experience to advance along their journey to becoming true beacons of hope in a dark, grim world.Edit -
In Soviet Russia, Spy Are YOU! - PDF
$521 purchasedIn Soviet Russia, Spy Are You! is a tabletop roleplaying game set in the late 1970's. You and your friends take on the role of secret agents working on behalf of Mother Russia to undermine the capitalist regimes of the decadent west. It's your job to assassinate high value targets, capture important intelligence, and sabotage the efforts of the Americans at every turn. You'll do this through a combination of guided narration and the rolling of six-sided dice (no more than three, no less than one). Overseeing your endeavors is The Handler, a player responsible for guiding you and your fellow agents through the story, coming up with obstacles and setbacks to throw your way, and narrating your thrilling successes... and equally impressive failures.Edit