Pledge Levels

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Wall of Fame

Wall of Fame

2 Backers
Your name will be included in the credits of the book. Show it off to all your friends, and on your deathbed you can know you'll ride forever, shiny and chrome in the next life!* *Afterlife of glory and hi-octane vehicular combat not guaranteed.

Includes 1 item

  • ×1
    Name in the Credits
Digital Tier

Digital Tier

72 Backers
You get your name in the book plus a PDF copy of it delivered right to your inbox.

Includes 2 items

  • ×1
    Name in the Credits
  • ×1
    PDF Copy of the Book
Softcover + PDF Tier

Softcover + PDF Tier

34 Backers
You get your name in the book, a PDF copy of it delivered right to your inbox, and a code to print a softcover copy at cost from DriveThruRPG.

Includes 3 items

  • ×1
    Name in the Credits
  • ×1
    PDF Copy of the Book
  • ×1
    Softcover Copy POD Code
Hardcover + PDF Tier

Hardcover + PDF Tier

128 Backers
You get your name in the book, a PDF copy of it delivered right to your inbox, and a code to print a hardcover copy at cost from DriveThruRPG.

Includes 3 items

  • ×1
    Name in the Credits
  • ×1
    PDF Copy of the Book
  • ×1
    Hardcover Copy POD Code