18 days ago

Project Update: Happy Launch Day!! Backer Exclusive Poll is out NOW!

Good morning, starry knights! I'm so happy to see we're off to a strong over 10% funded launch within the first hour :D

I've got an awesome Backer Exclusive for you today - YOU get to decide the free Ace cards booster pack's theme! The poll is now ready and up! ✧  Vote on the Poll below! [Backer Exclusive] ✧ 

✦ The Four Elements are yours to command - but what form should they take? ✦
Choose the form you would like the Aces of each of the Elements to take in this campaign exclusive booster pack!

MEN | The Elements take the form of stylish yet strong warriors.
MONSTERS | The Elements take the form of vicious but beautiful monsters.
ARMORY | The Elements take the form of celestial weapons and crystals from skies beyond.

⋆ Swords - Air
⋆ Cups - Water
⋆ Wands - Fire
⋆ Coins - Earth

⊹₊⋆The first place choice will be free for all physical reward tier backers when the campaign is fully funded! 
⊹₊⋆The second place and third place options will be free for all physical reward tier backers when they are unlocked as Stretch Goals.
14 votes • Final results
The 1st place voted option will be yours! - for all physical reward tier backers! -
Goal: $3,825 / $5,000
We need $1,175 more to reach this goal.




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