AK Faulkner
6 months ago

Project Update: Fulfilment almost completed!

Hi everyone!

Apologies are due for the length of time this has all taken. I unexpectedly had cataract surgery at the end of June, and I was left with considerably worsened vision for several weeks (wheee, ask me about warped, double vision some time!) which will (hopefully) be righted within a week or two. Then I caught Covid at Worldcon Glasgow (awww, baby's second 'Rona, how sweet, urrghh) so was bedridden for a couple of extra weeks. And to cap it all off, when I received the audio files for Wheel of Fate, a sneaky but embarrassing error had snuck through all stages of the process, which caused another delay as I waited for a fix.

Finally, though, here we are! Almost all physical rewards have gone out - the last handful are either in a queue at the printer, or waiting for Royal Mail to collect from me on Monday. The audiobook is currently in processing with BookFunnel, and will be delivered to you if you included it in your pledge as soon as the processing is completed.

If you're still missing something by the 21st of September, please reach out and let me know so that I can look into it for you!

Again, thank you so much - both for your support, and your patience!

- AK
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