AK Faulkner
9 months ago

Project Update: Surveys going out SOON!

Hi everyone!

Another quick update, this time to say that the funds are on their way to me, so I'll be sending out surveys within the next few days (most likely over the weekend)! I had some technical trouble figuring out how they work, and broke something pretty major (looooool OOPS), but BackerKit were super lovely in figuring out what I broke, fixing it, and making me a video to show me how not to break it again 🤣

If you're unfamiliar with it, here's how the BackerKit Pledge Manager works:
  1. You get a link to your survey / Pledge Manager page
  2. Click it and check your pledge level (and any add-ons) are all nice and correct
  3. If you picked a single book of any kind as a pledge or add-on, use the relevant drop-down box(es) to select which book exactly you want
  4. There's also the opportunity to throw on some more add-ons at this stage, if you'd like to
  5. Pop in your shipping info
  6. Complete the checkout process (AKA pay for your shipping and for any extra add-ons you threw in during step 4).
Optional step 7 is vibrate with excitement until your goodies arrive!

If you have any questions, feel free to post them here, or harass me on discord!

Until next time

- AK





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