8 days ago

Project Update: Week One is Done!

We are just over a week into Booktopia and things are going swimmingly! 42 of the 59 booktopia projects have funded and First Life Duet is one of them! As a quick recap, everyone who pledged in the first 48 hours got an adorable sticker (which is now available as an add-on), while everyone who also backed The Owens Chronicles Anniversary Edition gets The Decoys in Florida bonus scenes, and those who backed both me and Claudia Blood - at a physical tier - will receive three oracle cards and a box that can hold the entire deck!

There's also a tally at the end of each pledge, so you can see how many Booktopia projects you've backed, and once you hit five, you get a sleek metal bookmark straight from Backerkit. I am so excited for all the cool swag I will be getting in the coming months. But even more thrilled that First Life Duet is doing so well, thanks to my 18 wonderful backers!!!

I'll be working and attending birthday celebrations this weekend (one of them an Abracadabra-themed children's party - very exciting) so I won't be as glued to the campaign as I would like to be, but I think it would be really cool if we hit our first stretch goal by Monday...If we do, I'll not only release my fan casting of the characters, I'll also include some character bios ;)

Hope you all have an amazing weekend!


P.S. If you want a taste of the content, I've been embarassing myself by reading chapters online, so you can find First Life Chapter 4 here, and Tristan Chapter Nine here. And if anyone replies to this update asking for more, I just may release the one with Tristan's inciting incident...
Once we reach 1000$ in funding, everyone will receive a pdf of the actors and actresses I envisioned when I was writing the book.
Goal: $1,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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