Project Update: Tom Holland Autographs Complete
As soon as the autographs are in our hands, we'll get an update out letting all the remaining backers know to watch for USPS tracking coming as your pledges get shipped out.
Thanks for your patience. It's been a rough start to the year but we're in the home stretch for sending out the last packages.
Just a reminder we have 15 backers who have not yet filled out the shipping surveys. We sent out reminder emails to those folks again today. If you reply by this time next week we'll be able to get your items shipped out with the last packages that are due. Thanks!
Hi was wondering if there are any updates of the signed Tom Holland Edition i only ask as i have just seen posted by Tom Holland on IG a signed copy of the book for sale on his shop and remembered the last update you gave was waiting for tom to sign the edition that you have look forward to the update Take Care
Project Update: Update on Tom Holland Autographs
The bottom line is that we are making progress with the autographs and believe we will have them soon. We're in communication with Tom's team and we're working to get things wrapped up. We don't have a definitive date for these last orders but we are going to keep you updates and get them sent out as soon as humanly possible.
On another good note - we also have come to an agreement with Tom to produce another series of Fright Night comics so there will be new issues coming up. We should have more information on that as well in the next few weeks.
Thank you!
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
It's been over a month since any updates or communication with the backers still waiting on there items. Can you please give us an update.
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
I had still not received mine, but today had a notification saying it was delivered. I didn't recognise the "safe place". But when looking at the survey i filled out with my home address and then the tracking address with the courier in the notification email... i discovered they were different and the courier was given the wrong address. I thought it was just a case of cut and pasting addresses to prevent this from happening. So now someone has just been gifted what i pledged for, and im left with hunting down where ever the parcel is!