I won't lie, these constant delays are a bummer, i was a backer for the original Dusk and I figured i would be a backer again. I have been very quiet and accepting of the delays, but now my original Dusk's are not functioning properly. I've contacted customer service to see if there is a way to get them fixed. So far crickets from them and I see that bad service/representation is rampant through out.the company. This is my second time contacting customer service. My first time was dealing with a very simple issue, nose pads. My nose pads were slipping off and I just wanted to see about a replacement. That was probably 2 years ago and I never got a response. I guess I should have expected that this times contact would be no different and as I said, poor service on the updates. I would love to see Dusk Sport succeed and I would love to get them, but this is ridiculous. As a 2 time backer, I am highly disappointed and feel very disrespected. I am torn on waiting or just bailing out. It's hard to watch all the ads popping up about all these new versions, knowing that I cannot get support for my first pair and wondering if I will ever see the Dusk Sport.

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