And Tomorrow Games
2 months ago

Project Update: Thank you!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the support for The Dose Makes The Poison, and for getting the project up to exactly 1000 backers when the backer train finally finished. 1000!

I was stuck in a work thing for much of the afternoon yesterday so completely missed the final hours, but it looked like a wild ride towards Mothership Month crossing the $1,000,000 mark in total pledges. $1,000,000!

Next steps here are:

Finish the TDMTP script - I’ve got quite a bit of new ideas and content to add to the current script, along with the new additional pages of factions content. I want this complete before the end of the year, so it can be sent over to DG Chapman for…

Editing in January. I’m going to earmark the whole month for this in case there’s a lot of back and forth or the need to play test anything before the edit. We’ll also finalise design elements like the illustrations for the Hope’s Serum TV ad, poster and sticker in this month before we get into…

Design and layout in February where Norgad gets free rein to knock the whole zine into shape. Will also get my animator Austin Temby on the case to make the TV ad.

In the background, I’ll be working on recording the Hope’s Serum jingle properly, and getting in-game voice notes audio files recorded with some actor pals. 

I’ll aim for at least monthly updates to let you know we’re all on track, and keep you abreast of any cool stuff as it happens.

Thanks for putting up with all the emailing and messages from me and for making this crowdfunding such a success for all the projects. 

Big thank you to Tuesday Knight Games, too. It’s been an absolute honour to be a part of the inaugural Mothership Month. 

Now let’s go make some zines!*


*Jk now I’m off to look at 20 pledge transactions come off my credit card 💸😭💸




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