All available Add-ons
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Add Lady death
$2511 purchasedAdd Lady death to any of the other tiersEditIncludes 1 item
×1Lady death
Add Sleep well
$303 purchasedAdd the sleep well coffin to any tierEditIncludes 1 item
×1Sleep Well
Add Ruined Hopes
$2015 purchasedAdd Ruined hopes to any orderEditIncludes 1 item
×1Ruined Hopes
Add Demonic Summoning sticker
$429 purchasedAdd the Demonic summoning sticker to any pledgeEditIncludes 1 item
×1Demonic summoning : Sticker
Add Burning at both ends sticker
$524 purchasedAdd the Burning at both ends sticker to any pledgeEditIncludes 1 item
×1Burned at both ends : Sticker