Ahh! I think this actually happened late on Friday, sorry I'm slow on dropping an update for you all!
First stretch goal UNLOCKED!
Something for EVERYONE who backs the Hip Hatchling!
Every Hip Hatchling purchased will now include TWO inserts; one mono-colored that matches the internal fabric of the bag and a second with printed artwork that matches the color variant.
Note that these inserts are FREE and do not require an additional purchase! But you cannot choose a different design - it will come with the one matching the color variant.
About our second stretch goal...
I apologize everyone I left the Elemental Eggs add-on active after we went live so many of you have already grabbed yours. That is totally OK!
I don't think we'll have any trouble unlocking these so maybe I can add a 5th design to make up for it! What do y'all think? What element should we do?
I'll get actual photos of the pins as soon as I can!
New add-ons available now!
If you didn't make it in time to get your gift of the dragon wing acrylic charms - you can now add them to your pledge for $20! I will only be ordering enough of these FOR the Hip Hatchling campaign so now is your chance!
I've also finalized the coloration for the FREE GIFT version. The add-on version of the wing charm will allow for color choices!
Dragon Companion mascot enamel pin is now available to everyone for $15 in the add-ons here! Note that you can buy extras, but if you're a backer of any previous Companion campaign you will get one included! Still finalizing the pin design but it is unlikely to change much from this!
Thank you so much everyone! We've got time to get all the way through our stretch goals, let's do it!!