Project Update: Campaign complete! But we ain't done yet!
Thank you everyone for your support!! You helped make the Hip Hatchling happen!
Straya here! Seriously, I'm so happy to have a new and unique bag in the Companion series! My goal is to have MANY options so every dragon fan out there can find an accessory that is perfect for them and we're a step closer to that!
You've done your part now we'll start doing ours!
First thing is first we're going to open the preorder store this coming week! So if anyone missed the campaign you can still score yourself a Hatchling!
CHARGES for pledges are currently processing! Keep an eye on your emails or your account to make sure yours is successful. You have 14 days to fix any errors before your pledge will be cancelled and no one wants that to happen! Please note that I cannot help you with payment issues nor do I have any access to your card/bank information.
The preorder store will have a price increase and will be open until production ends (with limited inventory). If you're a backer we will be honoring the original price for you if you decide to get additional things. :)
Also, funding from the store is still connected to the campaign! So if we get enough funding for a new Hatchling color we'll throw out a poll for which color you'd like to have and make the most popular happen! And with that possibility I am going to hold off on surveys so when you get them you don't have to worry about making changes later. :P
Again, thank you all so very much! We'll be keeping an eye on feedback and keep you all updated on whats in progress! If you have any questions at all don't hesitate to get in touch*!
Please be respectful of Straya's spaces and do not contact her on Discord or socials for things related to the campaign. It is best that you email us at [email protected] where Becca will take great care of you!