Asmadi Games - Chris
7 months ago

Project Update: Rulebook nearly done! Plus some other image previews

Hello! With the move complete, we've been hard at work finalizing all the rulebook text for the rulebook, the reference cards and other in-game materials that need rules text (special achievements, etc). These will all be available for proofreading next week, took us a bit longer than anticipated this week to nail down some ambiguities and whatnot. We want this rulebook to be definitive, clear, and pretty!

Let's take a look at one spread:

Pages 6-7 of the Innovation Ultimate rulebook

A PDF version of this spread is available here.

The rulebook will be 32 pages, 8.5"x11", with lots of images and examples throughout. It will contain both the rules for the base game and all its expansions. This example spread is representative of the look and feel throughout, and we're excited to share the whole document with everyone next week to read!

Special Achievements

One of the things you may notice about the image above is that achievements are now tucked horizontally under the right edge of your reference card, to show the age name and stripe at the bottom of a card back. We've redesigned the look of the special achievements as well, so that they tuck in the same fashion. One side contains the game information, the other side is a neat image with a tuckable title at the bottom. They'll stand out from standard achievements once in your pile, because they're indeed pretty special.

Decrees and Museums follow the same pattern. We're pretty happy with how they all came out! 

Each of these cards also carries an expansion icon, which will make finding which achievements to put into play during setup easier. 

Hope everyone has a good long weekend, or for folks who are not in the US, a good normal sized weekend. I DEMAND you eat delicious foods! If you do, draw and score a [5]!

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