Belanger Books
3 months ago

Project Update: All Rewards Have Shipped Plus our Latest Kickstarter Projects!

Hi everyone,

All of the rewards for Sherlock Holmes: Crimes for Christmas have been ordered and shipped. Almost all should have arrived by now. If you haven't received your rewards by December 7th, please contact me, and I'll track them down. 

Also, please consider writing a positive review on Amazon or Goodreads. The more positive reviews a book receives, the better it tends to sell. That will help us build momentum for a new collection next year, Sherlock Holmes: More Crimes for Christmas!

I also wanted to let yo know about our two current Sherlock Holmes Kickstarter projects:

Steel True, Blade Straight & Pontine Dossier 2024/5 editions

The Belanger Books Journal of Sherlock Holmes and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Inspired Stories, Poems, and Scholarship 2024-5 Annual

This all new journal is divided into two sections. The first half includes all new stories, poems, and scholarship focused on the writings and life of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The second half of the journal features all new Sherlock Holmes centered stories, poems, and essays. The Sherlock Holmes stories are traditional and written in the Watsonian voice.

Selections from the Doyle section include an all new Professor Challenger story which is a sequel to The Lost World; an all new Brigadier Girard romantic comedy, and a touching story involving Sir Arthur himself from acclaimed author Margie Deck.

Selections from the Sherlock Holmes section include an all new adventure teaming the great detective and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,  a mystery told in letters between Holmes and a detective in New South Wales, a list of male and female criminal teams in the Canon, poems on the detective and his creator, and essays on alcohol in the Holmes stories as well as an investigation into the relevance of the Canon today.

Table of Contents:

A New Life for the Fiend by Stephen Herczeg (poem)

How the Brigadier Saved the Duke and Won the Love of the Russian Hussars by Allyn Gibson (story)

Jean Leckie: From “Mistress” to Medium by Anna Brindisi Behrens, ACDS (essay)

One on a Lonesome Road by Margie Deck, ACDS (story)

The Rabbi’s Rebuttal by Shana C. Carter, ACDS (essay)

Doyle’s Dinosaur by Paul Hiscock (story)

At the Crossroads of Fate by Daniel and Eugene Friedman (poem)

The Adventure of the Amateur Hangman by Kel Richards (story)

The Repetitious Client by Frank Coffman (poem)

Moriarty the Patriot: a Primer for a Unique Universe by Frank Schildiner (essay)

The Death at Canfield Old Manor by David N. Cisler (story)

Doctor Watson Reminisces on the Disappearance of Sherlock Holmes by Paul A. Freeman (poem)

The Adventure of the Unique Interpreter by Nick Dunn-Meynell (essay)

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle by George Skornickel, BSI (poem)

Female and Male Criminal Teams in the Canon by Ron Lies (list)

The Magic Portal by Frank Coffman (poem)

The Man with the Stolen Luck by David Marcum, ACDS (story)

Through a Glass Darkly by Mark Mower (essay)

Magnusson’s Descent by Hernán Salvarezza (story)

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle by George Skornickel, BSI (poem)

Is Sherlock Holmes on the Scrapheap of History? by G. Benjamin White (essay)

The Doctor’s Lament by Naching T. Kassa (poem)

No Ghosts Need Apply by George Skornickel BSI (essay)

Edited by Derrick Belanger, BSI

Sherlock Holmes: The Seamstress and the Colonel

How can you build a new life when you can't stop running?
Two people who the world believes to be dead discover each other alive and well in a Parisian restaurant.

In the aftermath of the grisly Whitechapel Ripper murders, Mary Jane must build a new life for herself at Le Chabanais, the finest brothel on the Continent.  A chance meeting with her friend from London reveals him to be none other than the famous detective SHERLOCK HOLMES, supposedly deceased and now embroiled in a cat-and-mouse game with Professor Moriarty's henchman, the merciless Colonel Sebastian Moran.  

Mary Jane soon finds herself also at odds with the criminal Colonel, enmeshed in an assassination plot that even her friend Sherlock Holmes may not be able to prevent....

Get the thrilling sequel to Sherlock Holmes: the Ripper Dilemma by CLICKING HERE!






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