Big Bad Con
about 1 year ago

Project Update: Surveys going out soon - Activate your Big Bad Con badge!

Hi all,

Thank you once again for your support! Later today we'll send out surveys to 5% of our backers to test our pledge management configuration. After 48 hours, assuming there were no hiccups that cause a delay, we'll send surveys out to everyone.

This year, we've automated badge activation. If you pledged at a level that includes one or more badges (or added badges to your order), once your survey is complete you'll receive a unique code for each badge in your BackerKit Digital Downloads. Here's how it works:

  1. Go to your Digital Downloads.
  2. Go to the Big Bad Con Claim Your Badge page and login.
  3. Enter you Badge Claim Code to activate your badge!

If you have any issues you can either use the BackerKit support or email us ([email protected]). If you are activating multiple badges, make sure to log out and log back in with each account you want to activate. Each code can only be used once.




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