Black Armada Games
6 months ago

Project Update: March update

Hey folks

We've made great progress in March:
  • Longpack have been working on producing a sample copy of the game. They have now produced all the paper assets (box, cards etc) and we're just waiting for them to produce the plastic tray in which the other components will sit. We are expecting that to be complete in the next two weeks.
  • In theory that means, taking into account shipping times, we should receive a physical prototype copy of the game around the middle of April. We'll share pictures when we get it. We're very excited to see what it looks like!
  • The virtual playroom has been playtested and, thanks to feedback from backers Alex, Chimi, and Maren, I've made some good updates to improve the ease of use of the components, and the legibility of the rules documents, amongst other smaller changes. The updated version is now ready.
  • Before we can share the virtual playroom with you, it needs to be approved by Roll20. We hadn't anticipated this being a substantial step but, having checked into it, it looks like this typically takes anywhere between a week and a month. 
  • In addition, we discovered today that there's a limit on how many items we can submit to Roll20 in a given week. Each of the products we're creating contains multiple Roll20 "items", so this is a significant blocker. We've been able to submit the core game (including the core scenarios), but we won't be able to complete submission of the expansion materials until around the middle of April (depending on precisely what Roll20's definition of a week is).
  • All of which means we should be able to share the core game with you in April - but exactly when is down to the speed of the Roll20 bureaucracy. Expansions should follow a week or two after the core game. I'll send out an update when we release the first set of Roll20 content.

Thank you for your patience - we're eager to get the virtual playroom out to you!

Josh (and Becky)
user avatar image for Black Armada Games




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