Black Armada Games
8 months ago

Project Update: Virtual expansions - some technical hiccups

Hey everyone

As an addendum to the last update, despite my optimism about Roll20 functioning perfectly, we did get some technical issues with the release of the virtual expansions for Lovecraftesque. A small number of backers reported that one of the expansions had not arrived in their Roll20 account. This appears to have been the result of the Drivethru download code email either not arriving or failing to work once it arrived.

If you haven't already, please do activate those download codes and check that they worked ok. Do get in touch if you find you have the same problem.

One other thing to mention, while I'm here, is that there was a bit of confusion over getting expansions twice or having more than one copy. This is because of the way Roll20 presents items in the "my marketplace items" list. Essentially all of the Lovecraftesque virtual rewards have been set up as "packages" which contain the relevant Roll20 module and an art package which you can use for legacy play. Roll20 then shows you, in your item list, both the package and the module, which look identical until you click into them. So, don't worry if you see what appear to be multiple copies of each thing - nothing has gone wrong there, it's just Roll20 being Roll20.

Other than the above everything seems to have gone smoothly with the expansions, but as always please get in touch if you are having problems and we'll do what we can to help.

Josh (and Becky)
user avatar image for Black Armada Games




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