Black Armada Games
8 months ago

Project Update: Progress update

Hey everyone!

This will be a quick update. Everything is progressing well with Lovecraftesque second edition:
  • The virtual playroom and virtual expansions are done and everyone in the appropriate pledge levels should have received access to those.
  • The issues with box size looks to have been resolved. A new sample copy of the box is on its way to us - hopefully arriving in the next week or so - and provided that doesn't surprise us, we will move to the next step in the manufacturing process.
  • The next step is to create a "mass production sample" - which basically means a copy of the game that uses the same materials as the finished version, and is factory made rather than assembled by hand by Longpack's design team. If that looks ok, printing will commence on the finished product.

By the way: we will be at UK Games Expo next week, and we will be showing off the sample copy of Lovecraftesque, and we hope to offer a game of Lovecraftesque at Indie Games On Demand as well - pencilled in for Friday afternoon. We will also be bringing our other games - see the photo below for an idea of that - and some new products too. If you're there, please do drop by and say hi. We'll be in stall 1-856 (the UK Indie League stall).

I'll do a further update in late June.

Josh (and Becky)





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