Blinking Birch Games
8 months ago

Project Update: End of Campaign + What's Next

Thank You!

The Death of the Author campaign has officially wrapped up at over 4x our original goal. Thank you so much for your support - this was my first Backerkit project and I couldn't be more delighted by the result.


Backerkit surveys will be sent closer to fulfillment (likely in Aug/Sep), to make sure the shipping costs are as accurate as possible. This survey will collect your mailing address and the shipping payment, as well as provide the opportunity to add any additional add-ons.

I'll send another update around the time this survey goes out, so you know to look for it!

Pre-Order Store

If you missed the campaign, the pre-order store is now live! This contains copies of Death of the Author and Anamnesis, as well as the chance to buy a community copy of DotA or one of the spare Minor Arcana cards.

If you backed the project, please do not order from the pre-order store - we already have your pledge, and you'll have the opportunity to add extra items through the survey in a couple months.

What Happens Now?

If you pledged to the project, your card likely has already been charged, or will be charged soon. If there is an issue with your card, you will receive an email from Backerkit.

In the meantime, I'm currently working on tweaking the Death of the Author draft based on playtest feedback. I'm passing it to Marx for editing in just a few days. I've also just had a chat with Victor about art direction for his additional stretch-goal piece (which very well might become my favorite piece of art in DotA), and James has been sending me fantastic layout samples to review.

Next week, though, I go on vacation! Looking forward to taking a nice break after the crowdfunding chaos.

Our goal is to finish fulfillment for the campaign in October. I'll keep you posted with occasional updates here, and let you know if that timeline shifts at all.

Again, thank you SO much for following, supporting, and sharing this project. I cannot wait to bring Death of the Author to your tables!

Until next time.
~ Sam Leigh, the Author




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