9 months ago

Project Update: REVEAL: Hardcover Endsheet Design

Those of you getting issues #3&4 in hardcover will see the marvelous upgrade that is our new, original endsheet design!

If you're seeing this update but haven't backed us, don't worry! The hardcovers of issue 3&4 are still available for pre-order: https://newedge2024.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders#store

Now, here's a fun preview graphic made by the designer, Babe & Oak:

This toss surface pattern utilizes a mix of visual motifs that we felt evoked Sword & Sorcery while riffing on our battle-axe logo in a recognizable way.

You'll notice certain motifs in the design are white and others are red. This is because red & white are the two main design colors for issue three:

This means that in the endsheet design for issue four, those motifs will be yellow & purple because....

You get the idea! In future issues we'll keep tweaking the colors slightly to match the cover designs in just the same way, making every issue's endsheet design unique.

Meanwhile NESS production proceeds apace, and we'd love for folk to check out & share our first ever book, BEATING HEARTS & BATTLE-AXES: https://www.backerkit.com/c/projects/brackenbooks/beating-hearts-battle-axes
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
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