By Night Studios
11 months ago

Project Update: Happy Halloween- Deluxe PDF now available!

It’s almost Halloween, and we know that everyone has their favorite costumes ready to go!  For those of you who don’t like dressing up, there is always that delicious smell of pumpkin spice, fall leaves and the anticipation of leftover candy and Halloween goodies.  We at By Night Studios couldn’t decide what type of candy to give out this year (seriously, we were arguing over what the BEST kind of candy is!), so we decided on a compromise, and you don’t even have to dress up to get your trick or treat surprise!

For all of our Laws of the Night backers, we wanted to let you know that we received feedback regarding content and rules, so we have updated our pocket PDF with new edits and rules clarifications.  These updates are available now - all you have to do is log into your BNS account and re-download the PDF.  The new PDF contains all of the newest updates.

In addition (see what happens when we can’t agree on a single candy?)

  • The pocket book version has been sent to print.
  • We anticipate that the physical books will be available to ship in Q1 2024.  This means that you will be receiving a survey closer to the release date that will contain information regarding shipping address updates, final shipping costs and other information regarding the finished product.
  • And one final exciting update...the Laws of the Night Deluxe PDF is available now!  You get it like the pocket edition by adding it to your cart in our shop, and checking out as normal, but it is free as you are a backer.

Have a safe and happy Halloween from all of us at By Night Studios!

By Night Studios

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