By Night Studios
8 months ago

Project Update: Laws of the Night printing happening now!

We have good news- the proofs for both the deluxe hard cover and the softcover pocket version of Laws of the Night have been accepted and the final printing order was put in before Chinese New Year!  However, this major festival will definitely impact the speed of the order being printed, We hope to have them shipped to us by end of March and send them out to backers in April.  For those who have asked about address changes, we will send out the survey for shipping addresses and requesting shipping charges closer to the time we are ready to ship, so look out for those in mid- late March.

IWhile we wait,  we'd like to invite you all to our upcoming Premiere V5 MET Vampire events, with several larps and interesting panels through the weekend- tickets for Chicago in June are available now, and Las Vegas in November will be available soon:

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